Again--another crazy week. Gah!! So I'm posting this one a little late again...erg. I'll get on top of this....hopefully....I think.....
After the ultrasound we visited with Dr. Parker (an awesome, old, grandfatherly guy--super nice). He said everything looks great--the baby looks normal and healthy. Dr. Dewey never did recalculate the AFP, so Dr. Parker had his nurse get ahold of the lab to make sure they do it. I should get a call pretty soon with the new results. He said that it looks like it will come back in the good/normal range with the correct due date though, so we're not too worried about it. Even as it is with incorrect information, it's only a 1 in 100 chance.
I've decided to keep the baby! My mom and Mike are going to help me as much as they can, and I'm sure everything will work out. They want me to move to Hawaii with them this fall before the baby is born too. I'm seriously considering it!!
I don't know how Ray's family feels about all of this--or anything at all, really. They never write me back or answer my calls or text messages. Except Jasmin, Ray's sister.
So anyway, my next doctor visit is tomorrow! Gah!! I get to find out if I'm having a boy or a girl!! My prediction is a boy. My mom says she still thinks it's going to be a girl. I guess we'll find out tomorrow!!