Sunday, July 26, 2009

Week 25--a breath of fresh air.

Again--another crazy week. Gah!! So I'm posting this one a little late again...erg. I'll get on top of this....hopefully....I think.....

So anyway--25 weeks! Already!! Time is just zippin' on by!!

This week, Gabriel has reached about 9 inches in length and weighs around 1 1/2 pounds! There's lots of fun stuff happening right now! Capillaries are forming under his skin and by the end of the week, air sacs will have developed in his lungs. Gabe's lungs are also beginning to develop surfactant, which will help them expand after he is born. His nostrils (which, up until now, have been plugged) are starting to open up this week. This enables Gabriel to start taking practice "breaths". Also, his vocal cords are functioning now which will lead to occasional hiccups that I should be able to feel! (crazy!) Another prominent change this week is that kiddo's skin is thickening and becoming less transparent. He still hasn't quite grown into it yet, so it's still wrinkled. And finally (one of the coolest things this week!), his heartbeat may be strong enough now that other people could hear it if they press their ear to my belly!

This past week has been a roller coaster for me! But it's good. I've processed a lot of emotion concerning Ray and my pregnancy. It has been hard to deal with thus far, but I'm starting to take everything in stride. I am realizing that I am stronger than I thought. I know I can do this! It is a relief, actually, to know the truth about all of the things I have wondered about (though it was a little hard to swallow and painful to hear at times). Feeling Gabriel move and grow is the coolest thing I have ever experienced! I feel truly blessed to have this new life inside me waiting to be born. I get more excited every day! I can't wait to meet him and hold him and play with him and watch him grow and learn. He may not have been planned, but I can't imagine him not being here--or being "on the way". I love him more than anything!


kara said...[Reply to comment]

You should totally post a set of pics of all your baby bumps next to each other, just for effect! I love your belly!