Monday, April 18, 2011

Wrapping Up January

Holy crap. This is sad. I get further and further behind every week. Am I seriously JUST NOW finishing January?! I need to get crackin.

Gabriel has been trying to drink out of things like a "big boy" since he was around six months old. But that was usually him trying to drink out of the rinse cup in the bathtub... Now it's everything! He always wants to drink out of a cup. We don't always let him because he would make a huge mess, but every once in a while, we'll give him a little bit of water in a cup.

Gabriel continues to dance and boogie his little heart out. I'm really bummed that I can never catch his most awesome dance moments on video, because they get pretty awesomely cute and funny. He always tones it down (or stops altogether) when I turn on the camera....if I can even get it and start recording in time...

Gabe lives in his own little world and I love that about him. There are times that he will NOT let me blog or work or cook or clean in PEACE, but then there are plenty of times that he plays independently really well also. I have no idea why he does some of the things that he does or what is going through that head of his. I may never know...I'm sure it would be interesting!

And that's it for January 2011!!


SamBamby said...[Reply to comment]

I tagged you in my blog. You are supposed to repost yours and stuff kinda fun. Kinda lame. :D I miss your face.