Thursday, October 14, 2010

What is the legal driving age where you live? ... And when did you start driving? ... Really? My mom started teaching me when I was much too young to even have a learner permit. Mostly on back roads and deserted parking lots... Well, readers, it seems she has instilled in me the same reckless parenting philosophy when it comes to startin' 'em young...

My mom and I were running errands and she needed to "just run in real quick" somewhere....that "real quick" turned out to be a half hour or more... Gabriel got fussy. So I took him out of the car seat and gave him the wheel!! LOL He didn't quite know what to think and he mostly just sat there. (I had to actually put his hands on the steering wheel to get these pictures...) People were walking up to the car, though, and poking their heads right through the window to get a look!! Seriously, people? Back UP!! Get your stranger face away from me! They would pop in and be like " the little guy taking the wheel now?" and "New driver, eh? heh heh heh..." After about the fourth freak stranger, I finally put him back in his car seat. I didn't know our vehicle would turn into a tourist attraction....geeze...

[Pictures in this post are from 08/02/10]