Thursday, February 17, 2011

In The Studio

December was a busy month! Amongst all other necessary errands and to-do's: Finish the last album. Egans' Theory (band for which McKay was the ridiculously talented bassist) has been winding down for while now. They had a few songs that they hadn't recorded yet, though, so they have been spending time in the studio laying down tracks for their last album. I've spent my fare share of time in the studio watching and listening to McKay and his various bandmates record (he was in a different band when I first met him called Volition--I don't mean to brag, but they were signed TWICE (label issues) and played some pretty big shows...) and I didn't really want to go. I could tell that this was something that meant a lot to him, though, so I went to show support. We brought Gabriel with us and he was so patient! He sat quietly while Eric mixed and mastered tracks.

Eric was surprised at how well-behaved Gabriel was *totally bragging* and decided to take a play break for him! He popped Gabriel up onto his lap while he messed with controls. After a minute, he whipped out a microphone and let Gabe play with it. He got a kick out of hearing his babbles through the speakers!

We had a good time and the album is turning out great! (Still some recording to be done)